ROOK – Rescuers of Old Kilmadock

ROOK is a volunteer group that was formed a few years ago to take over the care and maintenance of the beautiful and ancient Old Kilmadock Graveyard which lies on the bank of the Teith, a short distance to the north of Doune.  As Old Kilmadock is a scheduled monument we work with advice from both the Stirling Archaeologist and Historic Environment Scotland to keep this wonderful and peaceful place accessible to all. We hold action days on the last Sunday of each month (weather permitting) and more help is always very welcome.  We are a happy and friendly bunch of ‘gardeners’ who are also photographing the gravestones and recording as many of the inscriptions as possible before some disappear forever.

Ro Drowley – Secretary


Facebook:  ROOK- Rescuers of Old Kilmadock

Old Kilmadock Cemetery

Old Kilmadock Cemetery