Kilmadock Community Council (KCC)
Kilmadock Community Council
The KCC is an elected group of 11 self-nominated constituents, who represent the residents of the Kilmadock area. It is the lowest tier of Scottish local government, elected every four years by postal ballot by all on the electoral register. Two further seats are reserved for youth members from Doune and Deanston students attending High School. Community counsellors stand as individuals and are debarred from representing political parties or religious interests. They receive no financial allowances.
The main objectives of the KCC are to ascertain and reflect the views of the community, and communicate with Stirling Council on matters concerning well-being, environment and development of the local area. KCC members contribute both individual and team efforts, meeting with representatives from Stirling Council to discuss and propose actions, and any matters affecting residents, such as all planning and licensing applications in the area. The KCC also makes representations to public and private agencies on all major economic, housing, transport, environmental, policing and social issues affecting the area.
Some groups associated with the KCC have included the Woodland Group, Christmas Lights, Moray Park Planning, Hanging Baskets and planted roadside verges.
The Council year is September to June, with meetings held on the second Monday of the month at 7.00pm in the Information Centre.
Members of the public are invited to raise items for the agenda, and may also attend meetings.
Contact can be made via or in writing c/o Doune Library, 5 Main Street, Doune FK16 6BJ.
All communication is treated with diplomatic respect.
The Current KCC members are:
- Tony Farrant (Chair)
- Alison McAlpine (Vice Chair)
- David Harding (Secretary)
- Elizabeth Wallace (Treasurer)
- Ro Drowley
- Ken Russell
- Wallis Scott
- Sue Sedgewick
- Alastair Sutherland
There are currently vacant positions for members of the Community Council. If you are interested in being co-opted contact KCC directly.