Local Information
This is where to find all those essential phone numbers and opening times which you always meant to note down, but never did!
Medical Problems out of hours
For Serious Emergencies only, call 999.
Call NHS111 if you can’t wait until the Medical Centre opens.
- For Minor Injuries Units click here or phone 01324 556130
- For A and E Departments click here.

The nearest Police Station is in Dunblane. Tel 01786 289070 (emergencies only 999). There are also Community police officers based in Callander 01877 330222 (currently Donald King or Lorna Deans).
Provides support to women and their children who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse.
09.00-18.00 Mon-Fri
Springbank Rd, FK16 6DUT
Tel: 01786 841213
For Covid-19 status see website
Woodside Pharmacy
09.00-18.00 Mon-Fri
09.00-17.00 Sat
3 The Cross, FK16 6BQ, Doune
Tel: 01786 841216
Innes Park, Station Wynd, FK16 6EH
Tel: 01786 841304
Mon-Fri 1000-1300
Sat 1000-1200
Information Centre, 61–63 Balkerach St, FK16 6DF
01786 841 219
Closed in 2022
61–63 Balkerach St, FK16 6DF
01786 841 250
Castlehill Ct, Doune FK16 6BU
School Tel: 01786 841435
Nursery Tel: 01786 842734
Teith Road
Deanston by Doune
FK16 6AJ
Tel: 01786 841438
Tel 01877 330156
(This is the default secondary for Doune and Deanston children.)
We have two adult (14+) outdoor gyms:
- Outside Deanston Community Centre
- Moray Park in Doune
Full details can be found here.
Many banking services are available at Doune Post Office in the Information Centre
Cash machine at the Doune Co-op
Bank of Scotland in Callander
A Royal Bank of Scotland mobile van visits Doune weekly in Station Wynd (outside the Vets) on Fridays from 14.00 to 14.20. It also visits Dunblane on Wednesdays, from 1pm to 2pm, at India Gate Car Park, Fourway Roundabout, FK15 0EY
Public Toilets
Moray Park (turn off the Main St up either Moray St or King St), open 7 days a week
Summertime hours: 10am to 7pm – Winter hours: 10am to 5pm
There are also toilets at Doune Castle, in the building beyond the car park from the castle.
If you are visiting Doune Castle, there is parking there, but only for that purpose.
There may be spaces in the car park opposite the Co-op in Castlehill Court, just off Main Street. (Please heed the signs about restrictions.)
The is (at last!) a new car park accessed from the A84 at the north end of Doune. You can choose to walk along the road into the village or via the much prettier Doune Ponds pathway. This is up a few steps, but thereafter fully accessible.
59 bus between Stirling and Callander, stopping in Doune and Deanston, details here.
Dial A Journey door to door transport service across Forth Valley 10am to 4pm (membership open to all living in Kilmadock under “area exclusion” impairent), details here and registration form here.
The nearest train station is in Dunblane. Train times can be found here.
Doune Weather and Pollution Monitoring
Air Quality Sensor
The first AQ sensor in Doune is now operational and data is available from around noon 14th Feb 2020.
The air quality sensor is mounted above the Post Office at a height of 4m. The system measures airborne particles in the size ranges from 0.3 microns and above. The limit values in Scotland are expressed as PM2.5 (2.5 microns and below) and PM10 (10 microns and below).
- The limits for PM2.5 are 10ug/m3 as an annual mean.
- The limits for PM10 are 18 ug/m3 as an annual mean and 50ug/m3 as a 24 hour mean (not to be exceeded more than 7 times in any year)
The measurements can be found here Pollution. The circle shows the current value. Clicking on it displays a graph of recent values.
You can compare levels with the other villages in the network by zooming in and out on the map.
To download data use the download arrow icon in the bottom left of the map. To change reported parameters use the ‘cog’ icon. You can also choose the averaging time.
Weather Sensor
The weather station is also now live and data can be viewed here Weather
Preferred units can be selected as can the time period and averaging. Data is available as a dashboard, tables and graphs.